Introducing this website

This website has been created to encourage everyone to visit and learn more about some of the best stained glass in Britain.

Britain has a rich history in stained glass and has produced some of the finest examples anywhere in the world. It is an art form that can be found the length and breadth of the country, and there cannot be many who have not at some stage enjoyed the special magic that is the interaction between light and glass.

Britain’s extensive heritage has led to a multitude of books, articles and internet sites, but that wealth of information can in itself be daunting. To address that challenge and to highlight some of the best examples, a number of the finest stained glass artists, conservators and authors have come together to contribute some of their British stained glass highlights.

Each contributor has selected 10 stained glass windows that they would recommend to a friend as great examples of British stained glass. Their personal selections have been supplemented by a number of themed selections, which include amongst other things, the major cathedrals and museums.

The windows featured on the website can be explored via the individual pages dedicated to each contributor or theme, the artists’ index, or the interactive map. The latter is ideal for discovering new stained glass when travelling around Britain, for visiting is at the heart of this project, as nothing can replicate the experience of standing in front of great art.


In selecting the windows to feature on the website, preference has been given to those examples that can be visited by the general public. In many cases there is open access, but regrettably the realities of modern life mean that many parish churches, in particular, have to be kept locked. However, all will usually be more than happy to allow access if arranged in advance. Access is more difficult for schools and hospitals, especially for the latter during a pandemic, so these locations have not been selected. However, both contain much great stained glass, often by outstanding contemporary artists, so it is well worth keeping an eye out when the opportunity arises.

About us

This website is the result of the collaborative efforts of many artists, conservators, authors and stained glass enthusiasts. The project has been co-ordinated by the British Society of Master Glass Painters and the Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass, with support from the Glaziers’ Foundation, the Company’s charitable arm.

The Glaziers’ Foundation’s ongoing support for British stained glass includes grants for conserving stained glass, rescuing stained glass via the the work of The Stained Glass Repository, and supporting young artists through continuing professional development grants.

All have a deep love and enthusiasm for stained glass and hope that their enjoyment will be transmitted through this website, and that everyone will be encouraged to

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