Eden, F Sydney

F Sydney Eden and Drake & Son, detail of south aisle window (1930), Church of St John the Baptist, Staveley, Derbyshire.
Photo: Peter Hildebrand

Frederick Sydney Eden (1859-1950) studied and wrote on ancient stained and painted glass, a subject to which he almost exclusively dedicated himself from 1904/05.

Eden was a skilled draughtsman and designed at least three stained glass windows, including a scholarly pastiche of a 15th century window in the south aisle of the church of St John the Baptist, Staveley, Derbyshire. It was made as a memorial to the Revd. C. H. Molineux, who was rector of Staveley from 1887-1927. The window was designed by Eden in 1927 and dedicated on 1 June 1930. It was made by Drake & Son, Exeter.

Uncovering … Frederick Sydney Eden, Vidimus No. 74 (November 2013)
F. Sydney Eden – A man with no past by Hugh Murray, Journal of Stained Glass (2010)

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