Stevens Competition

The Stevens Competition was established to provide an opportunity for aspiring architectural glass artists, designers, and craftsmen to compete in a format which simulates the process typically undertaken in order to obtain a commercial commission. Entrants were required to develop a design to a specific client brief and provide Artistic and Technical Statements defining the concept behind their design and how the design would be realised. They could also fabricate a sample panel to illustrate the design and their level of craftsmanship. The designs were assessed by a panel of experts in the field of architectural glass.

The Competition was organised by The Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass. The Company made its first appearance in written records in 1364-65 during the reign of Edward III, when the emphasis was on the protection of the personal economic welfare of Glaziers. However, in more recent  times the focus has shifted to the preservation of the heritage of stained glass and to the support of education in architectural glass art, design and conservation.

The competition, which began in 1932, was known as the Stevens Completion from 1972. For further details on the history of the competition see - The Stevens Competition - A short history by Clive Osborne

Stevens Competition Commissions

From 1987 entrants to the competition were given details of a specific location around which to create their designs. In the early years this was often a theoretical location, but subsequently the competition joined forces with a different organisation each year to present entrants with a site specific location. This offered the exciting possibility of a design being commissioned, which for many of those taking part represented their first large scale commercial project.

Stevens Competition Commission Winners

The 2024 Stevens Competition was a co-operation between the Glaziers’ and the Oriental Club in the West End of London. In a departure from usual practice, entries will be invited from the winners of the 2016 to 2023 Stevens Competitions and the artists commissioned to deliver their design for each of these years.  This approach is in celebration of the fact that a commission has been awarded in each of these years.

At a ceremony at Glaziers’ Hall in London on Monday 29 April 2024 the commission was awarded to Cathy Lee for her design "It will calm you".

Cathy Lee, detail from "It will calm you", Stevens Competition Commission Winner, 2024

Detail from "It will calm you", By Cathy Lee, Stevens Competition Commission Winner, 2024

2023       Cathy Lee  for two architectural glass panels installed in the reception area of a major office development by the Mercers’ Company at Frederick’s Place, London.

2022        Natasha Redina for a window for All Saints Church, Dunsden, Oxfordshire,  to celebrate the period that the wartime poet Wilfred Owen spent in the village.

2021       Guoda Kvietinskaite for a large panel to be installed as part of the refurbishment of the main entrance to the Senior School of Haberdashers’ Girls School

2020      Jessica Lambinet for a backlit panel for the entrance to the John Morden Centre

2019       Hilary Ruxton for a backlit panel for the Reception area of University College London Hospital’s Proton Beam Therapy Unit

2018       Jessica Lambinet for two panels for a new dance studio at Eastbourne College

2017       Anne-Catherine Perreau for a backlit panel for one of the gentleman’s restroom’s at The Royal Automobile Club

2016       Louise Hemmings for a Titanic Memorial window at the Church of St Mary, Southampton – see below

2009       Eleanor Lachab née Bird for a staircase window for the Pontifical Mission Societies’ London Headquarters

2008       Michelle Dawson for two illuminated panels for the waiting room of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson wing of University College London Hospitals.

2002       Helen Whittaker for a new east window for Ellerton priory – see below

1999       Rachel Thomas for a Millennium window at the Church of St Paul, Birmingham – see below

Selected Prize Winners

Since the Glaziers’ annual competition for young artists began in 1932 there have been numerous artists who have gone on to have significant careers in stained glass, who benefited from prizes and awards. A selection is shown below. Brief biographical details can be found by following the links.

Listed first are the four most recent winners of the Brian Thomas Memorial Prize, which is the competition’s top award for new and emerging artists. This award is separate from the Commission Winners listed above, although, as with Jessica Lambinet in 2020 and Cathy Lee in 2023, an artist may win both.

2023 - Cathy Lee

2022 - Caroline Small

2021 – Juliet Forrest

2020 – Jessica Lambinet

2019 – James Cockerill

Other distinguished prize winners

Alan Younger

Alfred Fisher

Alison Eaton

Amber Hiscott

Arthur E Buss

Carl Edwards

Caroline Benyon

Dorothy Marion Grant

Douglas Hogg

Fabrizia Bazzo

Harcourt Medhurst Doyle

Harry W Harvey

Jayne Ford

John Blyth

John D Hayward

Ken Bunton

Martin Donlin

Mel Howse

Peter Berry

Peter Sutton

Roger Hayman

Roy Coomber

Tim Lewis

W T Carter-Shapland