Powell, Christopher Charles

Christopher Charles Powell, The Founder and Architects of the Church window (1938), Church of St Mary the Virgin, Monmouth.
Photo: Peter Hildebrand

Christopher Charles Powell  (1876-1955) was the son of Charles Powell, who had a studio at 95 Claremont Road, Highgate, London. He worked as a mural painter, gilder and carver as well as a designer and painter of stained glass, including collaborations with G.F. Bodley and C.E. Kempe. He was probably responsible for many windows made by his father’s firm in the 1920s and early 30s, prior to his father’s death in 1934. For example, windows that appear in his list of work published by the British Society of Master Glass Painters in 1939 are also found in Charles Powell’s list of 1930.

An example of Powell’s work at the Church of St Mary the Virgin, Monmouth is shown opposite. It was designed by the Revd Basil F.L. Clarke, curate of the church and architectural historian.

Source: Stained Glass in Wales – Christopher Charles Powell

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