Salisbury Cathedral Stained Glass workshop takes pride in the conservation and restoration of stained glass of all periods, providing a ...
Theodora Salusbury (1875-1956) was an artist and craftswoman in the Arts & Crafts style. After training with some of the ...
Harvey Salvin studied at both the Boston Museum School of Fine Arts and Edinburgh College of Art, becoming equally enraptured ...
Ludwig Schaffrath (1924-2011) was a protagonist in the artistic avant-garde of the Rhineland, and one of the most important glass-painters ...
Johannes Schreiter (b.1930) had won numerous prizes for work in painting and engraving and had established a reputation as a ...
Scott & Drape was a short lived partnership between John Scott (1812– 87) and David Relph Drape (1821-82). Both men ...
Stanley Murray Scott (1912-1997) was the chief designer for over forty years in the stained glass studios of Reed, Millican ...
Richard Seaman has a degree in painting and is noted for his work on the east window at Church of ...
Raphael Seitz (1957-2015) was a versatile glass artist and painter, who produced work in a variety of media. He was ...
Léonie Seliger is Director of The Cathedral Studio and responsible for the conservation of the stained glass windows of Canterbury ...
William Thomas ‘Tom’ Carter Shapland (1925-1972) came from a Devon farming family. He was trained and worked for five years ...
Christian Shaw (1956-2024) was born in Edinburgh, the son of Sax Roland Shaw, the well-known Scottish artist, who worked primarily ...
Sax Roland Shaw (1916-2000) was born in Yorkshire and studied at Huddersfield College of Art, before moving on to Edinburgh ...
Shrigley & Hunt was one of the major provincial suppliers of stained glass, represented especially well in North-West England. Based ...
Francis Walter Skeat FMGP (1909-2000) was a prolific stained glass artists, creating over 400 windows during his career. He was ...
Stevens Competition Winner 2022 Caroline Small is the proud winner of two awards in the 2022 Stevens Competition. In 2022 the ...
Gerald Edward Roberts Smith FMGP (1883-1959) trained at Chester Art School and was apprenticed to Edward R Frampton (c.1848-1928). He ...
Simeon Solomon (1840-1905) was an English painter associated with the Pre-Raphaelites who was noted for his depictions of Jewish life ...
Ann Sotheran FMGP was born and brought up in York and studied at York Art School (now part of York ...
James Sylvester Sparrow (1845-1915) was a stained glass artist, who also produced work to the design of other. Source: Victorian Stained ...
Francis Howard Spear (1902-79) was a stained glass artist and lithographer. He trained at the Central School of Art and ...
Sir Basil Urwin Spence OM OBE RA (1907-76) was born in Bombay / Mumbai to Scottish parents, and studied architecture ...
Thomas Ralph Spence (1845-1918) trained in several architectural offices, both in the north of England and in London, since according ...
Harry James Stammers (1902-69) career in glass began with an apprenticeship with James Powell & Sons, in conjunction with evening ...